
December 1, 2018

Post Grad Depression : I never thought I would be opening up about this topic but here I am typing away. Let me start by saying to family and friends STOP. Stop asking me what I'm up to, or what's next, or hows the job, or when am I going to start my business. For the past six months its been nothing but torture having the same questions about my future asked to me over and over again. As if success just happens overnight. Today not even an hour ago i realized that I have Post Grad Depression...The excitement of graduating soon turned into ruin when I started to experience lack of motivation, discouragement for not finding a job in my field for months, loss of connection to my friends and relatives even. This turned into me completely isolating myself from just about everyone i stopped going where the questions were being asked. I stopped going to church, i stopped visiting my family, i stopped hanging out with my friends and i even cut almost all of my friends off because i felt no connection anymore. They were either stuck in there high school ways or getting married and having children and me i just wanted to be successful in my career and travel the world i wanted to grow up but not too fast. I want to get back to the old me. I grow more and more unhappy by the day at my job, i try to push myself to stay motivated outside my job to work on the things that i want but it doesn't last long before i get discouraged. I don't know how to heal from something like this each passing day is harder than the last. I pray God continues to give me strength to work though this and heal. I know i can get out of this rut but the question is how? I can finally say that I am not okay but im ready to fix this. I know i'm not the only one going through this i know there are a lot of other recent grads in my position as well hopefully one of you read this and realize that your not alone.